Dr. Dennis is an expert in the treatment of chronic sinusitis. Over decades, he has created a non-prescription protocol that the average person can follow to improve their symptoms. The protocol treats the fungal cause both in the patient’s body and in their environment. All resources listed below highlight Dr. Dennis’ knowledge and experience treating the fungal cause of chronic sinusitis and all of the products and solutions that he personally developed, first for his patients and now for the general population.

Sinusitis Wellness


Sinusitis Wellness is a patient information website that provides important communications for all sinusitis patients to better understand the causes, treatment, and prevention of chronic fungal sinusitis. It provides articles weekly that address all aspects of environmental illness. The website’s purpose is to educate patients on many of the various environmental aspects and health issues faced by patients suffering from mold allergies, sensitivities, and the damaging inflammatory processes that occur in the body when exposed to mold in your environment. You will also learn more about Micro Balance Health Products and receive weekly discounts on products.


Mold Free Living is a blog that provides practical advice for health and wellness for mold sufferers. The author, Catherine, has a wealth of experience with mold as she and her family experienced significant mold health issues from living in a toxic home. Catherine shares detailed, innovative solutions and products she uses to address a wide variety of mold, health, home, and chronic illness issues. Her weekly posts have impacted many patients looking for DIY solutions and for insight from someone else who has been through the trauma of mold illness and has successfully recovered.


Micro Balance Health Products offers the innovative products developed by Dr. Dennis over the past few decades so that they are now available to all sinusitis patients and others suffering from mold-related illness.

Micro Balance Health Products LLC was established to provide education and non-prescription, natural and homeopathic products to treat and prevent the fungal and environmental causes of chronic sinusitis. The EC3 products are all-natural, safe, and effective in helping patients to remove mold from their environment, specifically the home, and clothes. They have also been independently proven to remove mycotoxins from the environment. You can also purchase CitriDrops Dietary Supplement and Citridrop Nasal Spray to remove mold from sinuses. Sinus Defense and CellTropin are homeopathic medicines developed to boost the immune system and to help the body heal from hormonal damage caused by mold toxins. These products are not intended to take the place of the person’s physician or other medical diagnoses or treatments.